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IN HER SKIN  |  lexis milisic  @lexisvictoria

Photography by 
Alex Bernard @malaise_chromatique & Tom Allen @mr_t_allen

I sat down with my best friend Lexis to talk about her new poetry book Shadow of a Rose, her travels, & how she heals from heartbreaks.  As long as I have known Lex, she has always been the most emotionally creative human; whether it's an impromptu photoshoot, a week hiding in her room to write, scheduling craft nights, or spontaneously leaving on to her next adventure.  She has always been the friend I can dream bigger and better with, which is why I am so excited to share her first published poetry book.  Her poems will take you through  her heartbreaks and her tears, her laughter and her triumphs;  It makes you feel something and I think that is really important when reading a poetry book.  The pages are filled with photographs through the years and hand painted art.  Let's get to know Lexis Milisic In Her Skin.


SKINNED:  First off, where are you from?

LEXIS:  San Diego, California

SKINNED: I can tell you love to travel, what has been your favorite place to travel to?

LEXIS: Any and everywhere in the Mediterranean! I just love Europe overall.

SKINNED:  You recently got back from Greece, how was it? You look like you were living your absolute best life! When, why, how?

LEXIS:  I had been to Greece once before for a wild Mykonos trip in my young 20’s. I fell in love with the food, the people, the water and the energy. Ever since that trip, I had been craving to go back to explore more islands and dive deeper into the culture. I told myself that after I released my book, I was going to take myself on vacation as a reward for my hard work. I knew I really wanted to go back to Europe, but I wasn’t exactly sure where yet; and then suddenly, it was as if the universe decided for me - Greece started popping up everywhere in my life. So I bought a one-way ticket to Athens, met up with some old friends, made new friends and explored Greece, Milan and Croatia (my Father’s homeland) for a month. I swam a lot, tanned too much, ate a ton of ice cream and let myself be.

SKINNED:  Okay so let's get to the juicy stuff.. You wrote and published a poetry book! What influenced that?

LEXIS: I have always loved writing and reading, ever since I was a child. I studied Screenwriting in college and told myself that by the time I was 30, I would like to have a screenplay, novel or something of my own published and out in the world.

In my mid-twenties, I found myself writing poetry again to help express all the emotions I was feeling (cheers to my Saturn Return)… what I love about writing poetry is that there are no rules and that you can write poems anywhere, anytime.When Covid hit, I saw it as an opportunity to step away from my old, traumatizing job and to do something for me – and that something for me was to see my own project into completion. Not to mention, I was also love bombed and dumped by this boy at the beginning of Covid, which of course led to more great writing material and self-healing… So I consciously decided to sit down (literally and figuratively) and work on myself and my art – to see my patterns, to work through them, to release and to love myself.

This book is a collection of poems I wrote throughout my late 20’s and a few of them were written even earlier than that. I can definitely see the evolution of a young girl into womanhood throughout the book.

SKINNED:  Wow, so exciting. Congratulations! Where can we purchase this??

LEXIS:  Currently online on my website

SKINNED: And will there be more poetry books to come??

LEXIS: In regards to poetry, my brain currently feels like a sponge that has been left on the desert floor. I need to give the Poet in my brain some time and allow her to do more living again before she writes another book. I am still writing though, just in others forms- like posts for my website, screenwriting, journaling, etc. Writing is very cathartic, freeing and also grounding for me. It’s a way I make sense of my world.

SKINNED: Tell us about your favorite adventure.

LEXIS: The ones that are not planned. 

SKINNED: What advice can you give us on healing a broken heart?

LEXIS: I feel like I have so many tools for this. And all are necessary, ha. First off, use your voice in the breakup – say everything you want to say so that you don’t have any regrets or swirling thoughts later. It is empowering to use your voice. 

Create Boundaries with that person – both physical and energetic. Delete their number.
Work through and release your tears and emotions – if you suppress that shit, they will come back again.

Find a creative practice or expression… write! – tap into your beautiful, female energy.

Move! Run, take a HIIT class, spin, dance, get your heart-rate up.  Spend time with your girlfriends and other strong, empowering women. Buy yourself new lingerie or a sexy nighty – feel like a babe for you. Eat dark chocolate.

Love yourself and be proud of yourself for opening your heart - because that is very brave.

SKINNED: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

LEXIS: Married or with my Life Partner. Creating. Running my own business/businesses (I am a Gemini). With my dog Nugget of course and maybe with a kid or two. And living in an environment with lots of space. 

SKINNED: Who is your biggest influence?

LEXIS: I don’t have one person as my biggest influence. I love both Artists, Left Brainers and the Grandma next door. I think what influences me the most are people who are kind, who follow through with their dreams/visions and who are true to their word.

SKINNED: What’s the first thing you do in the morning?

LEXIS: Drink a big glass of water. Light incense or sage my space with Palo Santo. Make coffee or tea. Take my dog for a walk or exercise. Make breakfast, get ready and start the day.

SKINNED: What does your self-care routine look like?

LEXIS: Keeping things real and natural! Intuitive eating. Movement. A skin-care routine. Being creative. Stretching my mind (reading, taking classes, and doing what’s challenging). And surrounding myself with inspiring, real, and fun human beings!

SKINNED: What products can’t you live without?

LEXIS: Laneige Sleeping Lip Mask, my dry brush, a tinted brow mascara, M-61 Vitablast C Face Oil and SKINNED!

SKINNED: What’s on your bedside table?

LEXIS: Kate’s Magik ‘Healing of Heart’ essential oil blend, Tiger Balm, several books, a pen, a candle, and a photo of me as a little girl.

SKINNED: What album is on repeat?

LEXIS: I’ve been on Shuffle these days.

SKINNED: What are three things that make you feel vulnerable in your skin?

LEXIS: Speaking on camera, sharing things I write and speaking from my heart.

SKINNED: What are three things that make you feel confident in your skin?

LEXIS: Being physically and mentally healthy, having a fresh mani pedi and also speaking from my heart.

SKINNED: What is the best advice you’ve ever gotten?

LEXIS: Do what makes you feel uncomfortable.

NOTE:  You can now purchase Lexis's poetry book "Shadow of a Rose" on her website. 

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